Saturday, September 23, 2006

Eish!!! it's been long

Yeah! i know, it's about time, it's been a while since i last posted anything meaningful here. Not that i have not been writing anything worthwhile to share, it's just that i had to rethink what goes in here.

This blog was created when the concept of blogging was in it's infancy. It started as a class project for the Online Journalism course. It became my Online portfolio where i published some of my stories as i went through my internship.

But as with everything, it became imperative that i reconfigure this space and give it a better sense of purpose or shut up. Really who would be interested in reading articles published elsewhere, just because i wrote them...exactly, that's why i had to stop and rethink this whole thing.

So what do i want to say in this space...i know there's a proliferation of blogs out there, ponderings of both the apt and the inept, sane and inane...from myspace to yahoo360 you can find yours.

I did try something on yahoo 360, but realised earlier that it's not what i wanted, neither is myspace. They have one thing in common which i find distracting. They are all cluttered with too many people invading your space wanting to be your friend, online buddies and before you know it, you have followed the rabbit down the hole to their space and their friends friends friends friends...see what i mean, you get lost in other people's spaces.

So back to good old blogger, the space for my meaningful and sometimes useless thoughts, for profound but sometimes profane thoughts (as my friend would put it.

I am back

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