Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We are back!

Transport to Ngor Island - Photo by Bate Felix
Finally. I've decided to start blogging again. I moved to Dakar, Senegal from Brussels at the end of February to start my new assignment as Reuters Correspondent for West & Central Africa.

The Reuters team of four Dakar-based text correspondents plus stringers in all the countries, cover news stories ranging from politics and economics to general news stories in over two dozen countries from Senegal to the DRC, excluding Nigeria.

There is a lot going on in the region in which I'm very passionate about. Some of the funny, sad crazy or inspirational stories and encounters I'll come across may not make it to the Reuters wire, so I'll be sharing them with you right here. Stay tuned.!


Jana said...

cool - can't wait to read all the stories! :-)

Ateke said...

Ok, then, will rather check your blog in order to get the full and complete gist.

Ateke said...

I will better follow the blogger,in order to get the true and complete. Gist.Hihi